The Life Transformation Coaching Program

Sessions are on Skype

The goal of this program is for you to be happier than you have ever been in your life and to have all your dreams coming true.


The first introductory session is a no obligation interview of approximately one hour where you and Wendy get to know each other. Wendy will assess your case and ask you all about your current situation you want to change. You can ask her any questions that you may have about how she can help you. She will tell you how many hours she estimates your personal program will take and the cost.

Your life can become a joy 


When you decide to go ahead, you pay for your first block of 10 hours.
Then your first weekly appointment is made.


In your first session your personal coaching program may begin with an in depth interview. Wendy will ask you more about what sort of life you want to have and about your entire life from the time you were born up until now. Your sessions are weekly (or more frequent if necessary) and at the end of each session your next week’s session is scheduled.

Clients often say that these sessions are the best conversations they have ever had in their lives and with each session comes realisations and relief. Your life begins to miraculously change and the end result is a life truly transformed.

Your sessions form a step-by-step way to help you through your needed changes and personal transformation and to create a brand new life. As the days go by, the real and fundamental underlying stops, barriers and problems that have actually been preventing you from being truly happy, start to peel away. It is often a lot more simple than you would think and the changes can be much faster to implement than you ever imagined.

Some clients find also that changes “just happen” in their life as they are doing the program with Wendy. Often they receive phone calls and emails from the key people in their lives that indicate that positive change has actually occurred in their lives too – it just does not seem possible to have happened but it has!


If you are interested in doing The Life Transformation Coaching Program with Wendy go to the Contact link of this website, at the top of this page and send your email enquiry direct to Wendy. Phone and text enquiries are also very welcome.

Client Confidentiality 

All information discussed or disclosed in private meetings and personal development sessions are considered privileged information and are held in the strictest confidence.

In addition, personal information, such as your name, postal and e-mail address or telephone number, is private and confidential. Accordingly, the personal information you provide is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by Wendy Honnor.

Mailings and Announcements

If you no longer wish to receive mailings or announcements from Wendy, you can be removed from this service any time you wish on request.

No Release of Information to Third Parties

Your personal information will never be released to third parties. There are no circumstances under which personal information will be provided to or sold to third parties.