

Why does it sometimes not respond to treatment, why does it come back?...

Cancer comes about because of an upset or a shock in the person’s life in the area of family or a sexual relationship. You could have the best medical doctor, the best treatment in the world, the most successful operation etc, and much to your Doctor’s dismay, and your own, the cancer comes back – or it never fully goes away.
Well, that is because the underlying cause is not physiological, it is emotional and in the specific area of sexual upsets, shocks and family upsets, such as an abortion that was never truly confronted as a problem in the person’s past, and fully resolved emotionally. Or, no sex between a husband and a wife for many years and they never discussed it. Or one of them had an affair and the other suspects but they never discussed it, or resolved it. Or a child who moved away from home and never spoke again to the parents. Or a divorce when one wanted it and the other didn’t and the one left behind has never recovered from the shock of it.

The spiritual and emotional cause of cancer and how the
body reacts to it is a fascinating phenomenon.....

I have studied much of the available literature on the researched possible causes of cancer both physical and emotional and the impact of traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment on tumours. I have done my own extensive research with cancer patients all over the world since the early 1990’s until now and I have found that when lost communication or lost happiness are truly restored to the “family or the sexual relationship”, and any and all barriers to this restoration are confronted and overcome, such treatments as chemotherapy and surgery go much better.

It appears to be a major factor that when our negative attitude can be turned around to be a more positive one, we can then embark on our medical therapy with much more certainty. This work has become the subject of my new book due titled “Cancer: the spiritual cause, and how to be more certain your medical treatment will be successful” to be published in late 2012.

Grateful acknowledgement and thanks is given to all the wonderful philosophers from Aristotle to Zeno, whose names are too numerous to mention, whose works I have studied over the last 50 years that have contributed to and assisted my work on the understanding of human spirit.